Port Agent Questionnaire

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BP Shipping Logo

BP Shipping

Unique Request ID


Port Agent Details


Franchise Arrangements

Port Agent Contact Details

Port Agent Bank Details


List ALL Directors associated with this Port Agent

No. Title Name Name in Local Language Date of Birth Nationality Resident Country

Please fill in all the following details and click on the Add button to add a Director


Port Agent Ownership Details

Please list all shareholders owning over 10% of the company. For any shareholder that is a company, please identify the Ultimate Beneficial Owner i.e.,
add the ownership chain originating from the port agent and leading to the ultimate owners.

Please select a value from the Shareholder Type dropdown, fill in the subsequent details and click on the Submit Shareholder Data button
to submit the details of a shareholder.


Entity Name
RowId ParentRowId SNo Type % Title Name/
Legal Name
Name in local
Trading Name DoB/
Date of Inc
Registered Country
Resident Country/
Operating Country

Sub Agents

Sub Agent 1 Details


Sub Agent 1 Contact Details

List ALL Directors associated with Sub Agent 1

No. Title Name Name in Local Language Date of Birth Nationality Resident Country

Please fill in all the following details and click on the Add button to add a Director


Sub Agent 1 Ownership Details

Please list all shareholders owning over 10% of the company. For any shareholder that is a company, please identify the Ultimate Beneficial Owner i.e.,
add the ownership chain originating from the port agent and leading to the ultimate owners.

Please select a value from the Shareholder Type dropdown, fill in the subsequent details and click on the Submit Shareholder Data button
to submit the details of a shareholder.


Entity Name
RowId ParentRowId SNo Type % Title Name/
Legal Name
Name in local
Trading Name DoB/
Date of Inc
Registered Country
Resident Country/
Operating Country

Sub Agent 2 Details


Sub Agent 2 Contact Details

List ALL Directors associated with Sub Agent 2

No. Title Name Name in Local Language Date of Birth Nationality Resident Country

Please fill in all the following details and click on the Add button to add a Director


Sub Agent 2 Ownership Details

Please list all shareholders owning over 10% of the company. For any shareholder that is a company, please identify the Ultimate Beneficial Owner i.e.,
add the ownership chain originating from the port agent and leading to the ultimate owners.

Please select a value from the Shareholder Type dropdown, fill in the subsequent details and click on the Submit Shareholder Data button
to submit the details of a shareholder.


Entity Name
RowId ParentRowId SNo Type % Title Name/
Legal Name
Name in local
Trading Name DoB/
Date of Inc
Registered Country
Resident Country/
Operating Country

Anti Corruption User Confirmation

* Please confirm that the port agent, and any sub-agents entered above, comply with all anti-corruption laws. YES NO

If your response to the previous question was NO, please provide an explanation below

* Please confirm that the port agent, and any sub-agents entered above have not been convicted previously in relation to any matter concerning bribery, corruption or the making of facilitation payments. YES NO

If your response to the previous question was NO, please provide an explanation below

Please submit any additional information that may help us process your nomination request.

BP Privacy Notice

This notification relates to the collection of data by BP Shipping Limited, registered with the English Information Commissioner under no. Z1346577. We may obtain and hold information relating to your company as part of our "Know Your Counterparty" requirements incorporated into our internal policies. This may include information from independent searches or information provided by yourself regarding your company and its owners and controllers.

All the information we collect and process may be shared with, used and processed by other BP Group entities for similar purposes. As the BP Group operates globally, data may be transferred within the BP Group (subject to our Binding Corporate Rules) or to third parties situated outside of the European Union. We will take the appropriate steps to ensure that personal information is held in accordance with BP's 16 Data Privacy Rules, including individuals’ right to object to processing in certain circumstances, correct inaccurate personal information and to subject access.

By submitting any information relating to individuals such as shareholders or directors, or to third parties such as sub-agents, you undertake that this notification has been passed to them and that they agree to the provision of this information to and processing by BP.

Should you have any questions relating to the BP 16 Data Privacy Rules, please send the enquiry to the following address :-

Compliance and Ethics leader
BP Shipping Limited
Chertsey Road
TW16 7BP

Please see BP's 16 Data Privacy Rules on the following link: -Privacy Rules Document

BP may contact you to ask for further information or clarification before appointing your Agency

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